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Osteopathic medicine practitioners in Hobart 

Osteopathic medicine practitioners 
in Hobart 

During our many years of administering osteopathic medicine, we have been asked plenty of questions concerning the treatments that we use and the ailments that we can successfully treat. 

For your convenience, we have published some of our most frequently asked questions with our answers below.
macquarie osteopaths pregnant woman who has an examination
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macquarie osteopaths treatment room at clinic
Do I need a referral to see an osteopath?
While many GPs do refer patients to osteopaths, you don’t need a referral to come to us. You can simply choose to see an osteopath whenever you want, and as primary health care professionals, we are trained to assess and evaluate your problem at the first point of contact. You can find out more about our training in our ‘What is Osteopathy?’ section.

You will only need a referral if you are planning to claim the cost of your treatment under the EPC scheme or through the Department of Veterans Affairs. For everyone else, you can just book an appointment to come and see us. 

How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions you will need depends on the type of problem you have, its severity, and how long you have had it. Some simple problems may only take a few visits, but other, more complex problems, may take longer. At Macquarie Osteopaths, we tailor each treatment plan to your individual needs and your osteopath will talk to you about how long they think it will take when they first assess you. For more information on this topic, please look at our ‘What Should I Expect’ section.

Can I claim on my private health insurance?
Yes. Osteopathy is recognised by all leading health funds and, depending on your particular type of cover, is usually part of the extras package. We have HICAPS facilities at the clinic, which means that you will be able to claim from your health fund on the spot when you have your treatment. Use our HICAPS link to find out more information.
macquarie osteopaths treatment bed in clinic
Can I claim on Medicare?
Patients who have been referred to an osteopath under the EPC scheme can claim rebates from Medicare for up to five visits per year. 

This is a scheme for patients with complex care needs involving a management plan from their GP. 

Can I receive osteopathic treatment when I’m pregnant?
Yes. In fact, as a drug-free method of managing pain and stiffness in the body, osteopathy can be an ideal option to help you through the amazing changes that occur when you are expecting. 

After your bundle of joy has arrived, your body may also need a helping hand to recover and cope with the physical demands of being a new mum.

Will I be covered for treatment for my car accident through the Motor Accident Insurance Board (MAIB)?
Yes. Not only is your treatment covered in full, but you also don’t have to pay anything upfront at all. 

We fill out all the appropriate paperwork and invoice MAIB directly.

Do you treat people currently on workers’ compensation claims?
Yes. All we need is your claim number and insurance details (providing your GP has completed your paperwork beforehand), and we can invoice your insurer directly. Find out about the different types of injuries we treat in our ‘When Should I Come In?’ section.
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Whatever your osteopathic medicine requirements, we have the answer, so call us on 03 6234 6424.

Whatever your osteopathic medicine requirements, we have the answer, so call us 

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